Deep Listening

with Kim Alexandrescu

A 25-hour training to cultivate awareness, attention + Presence

April 22 - June 10, 2025

What is Deep Listening?

The ability to listen to and be with yourself (intuition, body, self) to then be fully present in your life, relationships and community at a level that fosters deep connections, compassionate action and meaning.

What’s included:

  • 25-hrs training consisting of 8 classes

  • Two, 4-hour immersions on Saturdays

  • Three, 60 min Zoom office hours

  • Recorded meditation practices

    • to use throughout training

  • Unlimited online classes

  • 10-pack of yoga classes

Who is this training for?

If you're looking for community and connection, this training is an excellent way to become more involved at the studio, connect with like-minded individuals, and know yourself more deeply.


  • Each week, a topic will be introduced with associated homework and journaling prompts. In our 90 min weekly sessions, you’ll share and learn in community (with established ground rules for the health of the group), experience an activity directly related to the week’s topic, and reflect on your experience.

    As the weeks progress, you’ll notice a deeper sense of knowing yourself and a budding curiosity about the people in your life and in your interactions. This training offers life-changing practices to cultivate awareness and compassion for yourself and those you care about.

    • anyone feeling like they are living only on the surface and seeking meaning for their work or life

    • yoga/reiki students looking for community, deep conversation, and an expansion of their spiritual life

    • professionals/managers looking for tools for self-awareness and regulation that can be used on the job

    • parents experiencing overwhelm or looking to improve their relationship with their children

    • professionals of any sort working with the public, especially in healing/helping fields

    • medical professionals looking to expand their compassion and presence at the bedside

    • teachers working with children, especially those with educational trauma from the pandemic

    • future death doulas wondering how to be present at the bedside or to suffering

    • anyone dealing with stress or approaching burn out

    • improving your listening skills (to both verbal and nonverbal communication)

    • attuning to others for improved connection and communication

    • cultivating equanimity - the ability to stay steady in stressful situations

    • recognizing and tapping into compassion for both the self and others

    • being vulnerable while sharing and receiving in relationship with others

Got questions? Email us for details.

Scholarships + payment plans available.